Our News & Bulletins

Managing Low Back Pain: Tips for Home Exercises. Picture of a young caucasian male with a young caucasian physical therapist, checking his lower back.

Managing Low Back Pain: Tips for Home Exercises

Low back pain is a common ailment that can significantly impact your quality of life. Whether it’s caused by injury, poor posture, or muscle imbalances, managing low back pain effectively requires a holistic approach that combines home exercises and lifestyle changes. In this article, we will provide you with tips on how to alleviate and […]

February is American Heart Month. Picture of red heart shaped bubbles laying on a piece of light colored paneling.

February is American Heart Month

No, not because Valentines Day is this month! It is because we all need to be more aware and take care of that important muscle, our heart! According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) leading risk factors for heart disease and stroke are high blood pressure, high low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, diabetes, […]

Rehabilitation Techniques for a Speedy Recovery After Knee Surgery. Picture of a caucasian female exercising.

Rehabilitation Techniques for a Speedy Recovery After Knee Surgery

Knee surgery can be a life-changing experience, often bringing relief from pain and restoring mobility. However, the success of any knee surgery heavily depends on the post-operative rehabilitation process. Rehabilitation plays a pivotal role in ensuring a speedy recovery, regaining strength, and preventing complications. Following are various rehabilitation techniques that can aid in a swift […]

Is It Pain or Muscle Soreness? Picture of a young caucasian male holding a hot water bottle against his lower back.

Is It Pain or Muscle Soreness?

For safe, injury-free exercise, it’s important to be aware of the difference between exercise-related muscular soreness or pain.  Sore calves after a strenuous uphill hike is healthy and expected. Sharp pain in the knees is not and may be a sign of an injury. We all have an activity threshold. This threshold is determined by […]

The Five Practices Shown to Extend Life More Than a Decade. Picture of a young black female taking vitamins and preparing healthy foods.

The Five Practices Shown to Extend Life More Than a Decade

In the United States, a majority of individuals fall short of their optimal health potential. A disconcerting six out of ten Americans grapple with at least one chronic disease, as reported by the CDC, with four out of ten facing the challenge of managing two or more conditions. The toll of chronic ailments such as […]

The Five Practices Shown to Extend Life More Than a Decade. Picture of a young black female taking vitamins and preparing healthy foods.

The Five Practices Shown to Extend Life More Than a Decade

In the United States, a majority of individuals fall short of their optimal health potential. A disconcerting six out of ten Americans grapple with at least one chronic disease, as reported by the CDC, with four out of ten facing the challenge of managing two or more conditions. The toll of chronic ailments such as […]

Bored with Walking for Exercise? Picture of a young caucasian male and female holding hands with caucasian male and female children, while walking outside.

Bored with Walking for Exercise?

It’s no secret that exercise is an essential part of staying healthy. That doesn’t mean we need to hit the gym every day, although it is a good idea when possible. Walking is an easy form of physical activity to start because many people can walk wherever they are, without days or weeks of preparing […]

Office Work Can Be a Pain in the Neck. Animated picture of a person sitting at a desk working at the computer.

Office Work Can Be a Pain in the Neck

Office work typically involves mildly stressful postures held for prolonged periods of time.  This is why office workers experience a particularly high incidence of neck pain, sometimes reported at over 50%.  Bad ergonomics at your desk can be a contributing factor, but even optimal ergonomics cannot completely prevent the stress from that prolonged office posture.  […]

Revitalizing Bone Health: An Unexpectedly Simple Approach. Picture of an older caucasian male jogging while listening to something with earbuds.

Revitalizing Bone Health: An Unexpectedly Simple Approach

Over the age of 50, more than half of women and more than a third of men have low bone mass, a precursor to osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is the most common bone disease and is characterized by weakening of bone tissue, bone structure, strength, and may lead to increased risk of fractures.1 The One-Minute Solution: An […]

Joint Health Alert: 4 Habits to Break for Stronger Joints. Xray picture of joints, shoulder, hip, knee, wrist, and ankle.

Joint Health Alert: 4 Habits to Break for Stronger Joints

Our joints play a crucial role in supporting movement and maintaining overall mobility. However, certain daily habits may unwittingly contribute to joint wear and tear, potentially leading to discomfort and long-term issues. Let’s explore four common habits that are bad for our joints and discuss how breaking these habits can contribute to better joint health. […]
